My System is a full body exercise routine that develops all your muscles while improving your lungs, skin, and internal organs (3 most important aspects of health).
It does this through the combination of exercise, deep breathing, self massage and your daily shower. The results are amazing and it scientifically strengthens, relaxes and tones the body, while calming and steadying the mind and nerves.
What Separates This Routine
- It relaxes and energizes your body instead of straining and exhausting.
- Fast and efficient. Not a single movement or breath is wasted which is why you get such amazing results in 15 minutes.
- Requires zero equipment. All you need is your own body.
- Can be used by anyone at any age. It is a 6 week course and starts with very basic exercises.
- It’s something you will look forward to every single day.
- Very flexible. Can be performed in several different ways and broken up throughout the day to fit your schedule.
- Your body won’t need anything else to be healthy. This is exactly what your body needs to maintain and preserve health for life.

Me performing one of the moves
In all there are over twenty exercises and you’re going to learn the proper methodology, breathing and do’s and don’ts’ of each one.
- The first part of this page is background info and things to keep in mind when learning this exercise system
- The middle part describes the special standing deep breathing technique that’s performed in between exercises
- And the last part is the description of the exercises with videos at the bottom of the page. (Please read the information before that)
What you get from performing My System:
- Increase in energy and metabolism and immune system boost.
- Development and strengthening of every muscle
- Improved function of lungs, skin and internal organs
- Freedom from anxiety, depression, nervousness, worrying
- Increase in confidence, concentration and better mood
- Better circulation and digestion
- Freedom from illness and colds
- Wrinkle proof skin that’s firm and soft as velvet
- Increase in flexibility, coordination, balance, mobility and endurance
- Improvement in all aspects of health
If you want to see more illnesses and disorders My System helps with, as well as additional benefits, click here.
What to expect and where this is heading
The exercises start out very simple and are meant to build your strength for the more difficult movements later.
For instance, the push-ups starts out as 10 on the back of a chair as the first degree of difficulty. The fourth and most challenging degree of the push ups requires you to do 50 full pushups on the ground, while on your fingertips. at the same time raising your legs alternately; all in 10 breaths.
That may sound tough but there are two degrees between one and four to help make it easy by the time you get there.
You may be tempted to skip right to the higher degrees but that’s a mistake. In addition to strengthening yourself to prevent injury, it’s also important to get the breathing down for each movement. Your breathing is the most important part of learning a new exercise.
So put in the time in the first few weeks and make sure you have the breathing down perfectly or else you won’t get the full benefit of the routine.
This system took 50 years to develop and was created by one of the most respected health experts and decorated athletes of all time, JP Muller. He built his impressive physique using this very routine.
Read my story and how My System completely changed my life.
What The Full Routine Looks Like
Eventually the routine looks like this:
- 9 exercises with deep breathing in between
- A tepid shower
- Last 11 exercises (Combination of exercise and self massage/skin rub with deep breathing in between)
Week one starts off with 6 exercises. You won’t learn any self massages until week five and week six is when you take a shower halfway through. There are different ways to do this routine where you shower first or last. It’s not important to know this until week six and that’s when you’ll learn all the options.
A few other things to keep in mind:
Make sure to gradually decrease the temperature of your shower until cold water feels natural. If you’re only used to hot showers, just turn the temperature down a little each week.
Eventually you’ll be able to take a cold shower and genuinely enjoy how refreshing it is. Your nerves will grow steadier and steadier from this and you’ll have a clearer mind throughout the day. Also, make sure to exercise before the cold shower so your body is warmed up.
Practice the exercises in front of an open window or you can perform them outside. Clean air is essential.
The skin massages doesn’t take place until week five. You learn the preliminary movements for the massage in weeks one to four.
Also, make sure you wait at least a hour and half after eating to do these exercises. You may want to wait a half hour to eat a big meal after performing.
The best time to do the system is right in the morning. Done then, and following everything correctly, you will have a clear head, be energized and feel amazing for the entire day.
Other good times for My System is when you get home from work or school or right before you go to bed.
One Last Thing:
Your life, like mine did, is about to improve greatly. I almost hesitate calling this an exercises system; it’s more like a treat and some would say magical. Your confidence will improve, your happiness will increase, your ability to handle stress becomes easier and this all happens from an enjoyable, relaxing and fun 15 minutes.
I understand your skepticism if you have any. I too doubted whether such promises and results could happen in such a short period of time. But once you understand the science behind this system and the effects deep breathing, exercise, cold showers, and skin massaging has on your body, health and nerves it all makes sense.
Everything in the system exists for a reason and is the product of common sense, rationale and over 45 years of thought, research and practice.
So smile, you’re truly in for a treat.
Week One
In the first week of My System you are only going to be doing six exercises in their easiest form. As you will see, you are going to need a chair to perform a lot of the movements for now. As these exercises evolve you won’t need the chair or any other piece of equipment.
To get maximum results follow the course as it’s outlined here. Every week, five or six more exercise are added and exercises from the first few weeks get tougher and tougher as training progresses. In six short weeks you will have the whole system down and be well on your way to perfect health.
First, we’re going to look at is the special standing deep breathing you’ll be doing between exercises. This should only be done between exercises.
The problem with deep breathing on its own is it becomes strained if you don’t know proper relaxation techniques. This will add stress to the body and can have bad side effects on the nerves. (Read Dangers of Deep Breathing)
The genius (and safety) that comes from the deep breathing in My System is the deep breathing only happens when more air is needed; between exercises when your breathing rate is higher. This also makes the deep breathing extremely comfortable and strain-less..
There are unlimited benefits from deep breathing which include better mood, healthier lungs, better metabolism, less anxiety, less fear, stronger immune system, weihght loss, etc. You will get every last benefit.
To perform the deep breathing:
Make sure you have a nice standing upright stance with feet shoulder width apart. Tilt your chin up just a bit and have your hands resting on your hips; this relieves the weight of your shoulders. This is the starting pose for the inhale.
When ready to inhale, press down on your hips with your hands and lengthen your torso upwards like an accordion. At the same time move the lower ribs sideways while leaning your head back slightly. This creates a vacuum for the lungs and the air comes in on its own and every part of the lungs are filled completely.
It’s very important to keep the nostrils wide open during the inhalation and not to suck in the air through your nose. Sucking in the air with your nose creates strain and that’s the last thing you want.

Dark line showing movements of chest, collar bones, shoulders and ribs during inhalation Dotted lines show exhale
Practice opening and flaring your nostrils a few times a day to gain more control over the muscles that control them.
So Remember, the nostrils are meant to be open and passive. If you hear sniffing or a lot of noise, you are most likely performing the breathing incorrectly. Deep breathing is meant to be almost noiseless.
Also, you probably don’t have too much control over the intercostal muscles that move the ribs sideways but, with a little practice, you’ll regain control of them.
You want to make sure to lift the shoulders upwards and not pull them back. Same goes with the chest; make sure to lengthen upwards and not to arch your chest.
Once you’ve filled the lungs with a nice deep inhale, you must exhale. Of the two, the exhale is more important and should last longer than the inhale (Read the Tips and Science of Breathing article to learn why.)
For a proper exhale, just relax all the all the muscles used for the inhalation. Just let the chest fall back into place on its own and let the ribs sink together while letting the chin drop down.
By just relaxing and letting everything fall back into place, the exhale will happen naturally and the air will expel on its own. If there’s time, try and contract the lower ribs together for a deeper exhale.
During the inhalation and exhalation (particularly if you contract your ribs at the end) the abdomen and stomach remain relaxed the entire time. It’s extremely important to keep it relaxed.
Rules for Inhalation:
- Take proper stance with hands on hip
- Press hands down on hips, lengthen the chest upwards and move ribs to the side while slightly leaning head back.
- Keep nostrils open for the whole inhale
- Keep abdomen/stomach relaxed
Common mistakes during the inhale
-Sucking air in forcibly through nose
-Sucking the abdomen inwards
-Leaning the head to far back (Remember just a little)
-Pulling the shoulders back (Remember to lift the shoulders)
Rules for exhale:
- Let ribs and the whole upper part of the chest sink and fall back into place naturally
- Draw the lower ribs in as much as possible
- Again, keep the abdomen relaxed
Common mistakes during exhale
-Bending the body to far forward
-Drawing the abdomen inwards
-Breathing out of the mouth (It’s a bad habit to breathe out of your mouth. All breathing in My System is through the nose and in almost all scenarios in life, should be done exclusively with the nose.
Please take a second to study the pictures below. This is what the deep breathing should look like:
The left side is what a proper inhale looks like. Notice the how the chest is stretched upwards and not arched. Also notice the ribs are fully extended and the abdomen is relaxed. The right is a proper exhale; notice how the chest is sunk and ribs drawn together. Again, the abdomen is relaxed.
Also, take a look at this illustrations:
The picture shows the way the chest expands and the slight backward lean during the inhalation.
Remember two of these between each exercise. As you grow more confident, and gain more experience with My System, deep breathing will only be necessary after the quick exercises. For now, make sure to do two after everyone movement.
A word before getting into week one:
When watching the videos keep in mind I have a lot of experience with My System and may perform it a little faster than you do in the beginning stage. I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating; it’s extremely important to get the breathing down for each exercise.
With that in mind, use these videos as instructional and to go at your own pace, following your own breath. Each person is different and at different levels of fitness. Take your time in the beginning and breathe properly.
Also, Some videos show the entire exercise with all the repetitions because it’s needed. There may be something that changes halfway through the exercise and it’s necessary to show it on camera.
Other exercises are the same from beginning to end and aren’t necessary to show all repetitions. In reality you may be instructed to do ten pushups but the video only shows five. It would be a waste of time for you to watch me do ten pushups when all you need to see is five. Efficiency is a big part of My System and my goal is to make this course efficient as well.
(It was windy when I shot this. If the noise bothers you turn down the volume a little. Also, there’s a few spelling errors in the videos like “exale” and not “exhale”. I’m am not an expert in video editing or anything like that and I’m working on fixing it now. Just wanted to let you know if in case you were wondering)
First exercise:
The first exercise in week one is a slow backwards and forwards bending exercise with hands on the hips.
With feet apart, bend the back and head as far back as possible while inhaling. While exhaling bend the body forward, and relax your back and neck muscles until you can see through your legs. Once you’ve gone as far as possible, bring the body up and inhale and bend like before. Make sure not to make any pauses during the movements
One movement consists of a bend backwards while inhaling and a bend forward while exhaling. Make sure to do 20 of these movements
Where this exercise is heading:
This exercise eventually turns into a massage of the legs, back and chest in week five. You will learn an abdominal breathing technique that goes along with this exercise in week four too.
Perform the two special standing deep breaths with hands on hips. You will perform two of these breaths after each exercise
Second Exercise:
The next exercise in week one, is a quick arm circling exercise and you’ll need a chair. You’ll see as you learn more and more exercises that the exercises are either slow or quick. When doing a slow movement you count how many body movements you do.
For example, in the previous exercise a bend backwards and forward is one movement. When doing quick exercises you count how many breaths you do instead. By counting your breaths you make sure you aren’t holding your breath or taking shallow inhale and exhales.
Take a seat on the chair and raise your hands to the side with palms facing upwards. Spin both arms quickly clockwise for three breaths. Make sure to really force the arms back and the circles should be about 12 inches.
Once three breaths are complete, drop one of the arms loosely. Now make large circles with the arm left out to the side. Make large, loose circles for one full breath. Once the breath is complete, drop the spinning arm loosely to the side and for one breathe spin the other arm in the same manner.
After your five breaths are complete, bring the arms back out to the side and flip your hands so palms are facing down and do the same manner of arm circling as before but counter clockwise instead of clockwise; same breathing as well.
Where this exercise is headed:
Eventually this exercise turns into a lunge with a turn in the waist while arm circling. It looks a little like Trikonasana pose if you’re familiar with yoga. There are a few step between now and then, and the next step doesn’t require a chair.
The third exercise:
The next exercise is a slow twisting exercise for your waist. Like the previous exercise, it’s going to require a chair.
When sitting in the chair make sure you twist your legs around the leg chairs to keep your lower body locked in place during the movement; this is so your waste is the only thing moving, thus making it a better exercise. Place your hand on your hips and twist to the right as far as possible while inhaling. Once you’ve reached your limit and without pausing, twist left while exhaling the entire way until you reach your limit and go back the other way while inhaling.
On your fifth twist to the right (the direction you’ve been inhaling) pause once you’ve reached your limit and exhale. Now go back left but you’ll be inhaling this direction instead of exhaling. Now do five movements breathing and twisting in this manner.
Where this exercise is heading:
This exercise eventually turns into a twist and then a forward bend while in the twisted postion. Again, there’s a few step between now and then to prepare you. The next degree of this exercise doesn’t require a chair.
The fourth exercise:
The next exercise is a slow knee raising exercise. With feet almost together and inhaling, grab your right knee by the shin with both hands and bring your thigh into your chest while leaning back slightly. Release the leg and go back to the starting position, pause for just a moment and grab your other leg by the shin. This is all done while exhaling. Start inhaling once you start pulling your thigh towards your chest.
Where this exercise is heading:
Eventually this exercise turns into a massage for the front of the leg, chest and back.
The fifth exercise:
This exercise is a slow bending from side to side. Sit in a chair with feet around chair legs again and bend all the way to the right while inhaling; bend as far as you can and try and reach for the floor.
The breathing is the same as the twisting exercise (inhale one way and exhale the other. On your fifth move to the right, pause on the bend and switch breathing directions)
Where this exercising is headed:
The hardest degree of difficulty doesn’t require a chair and you’ll be standing
Sixth exercise:
The sixth exercise is a slow push up done on the back of a chair. When lowering yourself, inhale and turn your hands inwards and on the exhale raise yourself and turn your hands back to normal. Make sure to keep your body as straight as a plank.
Where this exercise is going:
Eventually you’ll be doing this exercise the normal way on the ground. There’s a few ways you can do this when you get to the hardest degree and a million ways you can do a pushup. Once you’re strong enough to do fifty pushups in a row in ten breaths, you can experiment with different pushups.
And just like that week one is finished. Not too bad right? Every week more and more exercises are added and your strength, endurance and flexibility grow with it. Your patience will pay off and all the amazing results of My System will be yours.

Great, love the old photos of JP Muller
Thanks for commenting
It was a surprise that you did not use any equipment. You can do this any where, that you take your body.I had never thought about exercise forr my organs, but I can see that it could help. The cold shower will take some getting used to, but I can see that it will make your skin tougher. I may try some of your excercises to see what it will do for my breathing. With your system a person doesn’t need a lot of money or time.
You def save money and time. Life is much better when you have your health
hey nice post!
You make some awesome points that I’ve never heard before and I’m a qualified PT!
I appreciate how put emphasis on the importance of breathing ( not enough health and fitness proffesional do it) I will certainly be taking away some pointers.
Thanks for commenting Nathan,
And I’m glad you found a few things to use from this. I was amazed to when I learned all this stuff. And i agree breathing is essential in exercise and it so overlooked.
This approach to exercise is interesting, and seems to be a good alternative to some programs I have seen.
I did not see any reference to age here, I am a retired female and wonder if this program is one that will give results for me?
Also how long did it take you when you started to see s result?
Thanks for commenting Shelly,
This system is made for anyone, at any age to use. The best part is it taught over six weeks and builds your strength up over that period. Each exercise has varying degrees of difficulty, and can do the degree that best suits your fitness level. I’ll make sure to emphasize that and add that.
And you will see results immediately. You will notice an improvement in how you move, how much energy you have and a stronger core. You’ll also notice how much stronger your lungs are and softer and more firm your skin is too.
I hope you consider making this apart of your day, you won’t regret it!
This is a very interesting health and fitness system. I have long been a fan of body weight exercises.
The simplicity of this system, I’m convinced will make it easy to start and continue. And consistency is the key to getting results with any health and fitness system.
Plus, I appreciate that it is self contained, no need to go to a gym.
Thanks for commenting,
And not only is this routine simple and easy to continue, it feels amazing too. You will want to do this everyday.
This is certainly an interesting article. I was surprised to see you were advocating a system originally published in 1904. The more I read, the more I realize that J.P. Muller was ahead of his time. I especially appreciated the emphasis on holistic health, rather than just physique or raw strength.
Thanks for commenting David,
It may have been published in 1904 but the information is as relevant today as it was then. It is based on health truths, making it timeless. Muller was an accomplsihed athlete and performed athletic feats that few people can match, even today. Thanks for your interest!
Greetings Dylan,
I am over 65 years of age and contemplating the need of knee replacement surgery soon in order to keep being able to walk. Your exercises seem to be just what I need to get prepared. I need to be fit and your exercises will definitely help me to get there in a way that is easy on my hips, legs and knees because I intend to stay with the levels of your exercises that are achievable for me.
Thanks for all your hard work in constructing the site. I have favorited you so that I can find you every day.
I intend to make a spreadsheet to help me keep track of what I should be doing on what days.
Again thank you for all the hard work. Very difficult to find something to critique, I’m so hungry for the information you are providing.
A few spelling errors came to my attention, but a free app called grammarly.com can help with the details.
Thanks again. Will be seeing a lot of you in the near future.
Hey, I’m always looking for spelling errors and I know there’s a few here and there. I have never heard of grammarly before and I will definitely make sure to look into. You don’t have to rush this program either. You can turn it into a 12 week program if you that’s what you need. Please don’t hesitate to contact me at any point if you need clarification on any of the exercise or anything that needs to be cleared up. You can email me at support@perfecthealthathome.com and I will respond as fast as possible. You can also leave comments at any point too.
Thanks for commenting and your kind words
Hi there
Very informative. I am a Yoga Instructor – South Africa and are always looking for interesting information.
Thank you and wishing you all a very sunny, happy and peaceful 2017.
Stefanie Ananta Yoga Studio
I am looking forward to learning this exercise method. Thank you.
Hi. Great work. Will the week 6 be available?
I’ve take a break from this website and I’m not sure when week 6 will be up. You find MY System book here for free: https://archive.org/details/MySystemByJ.P.Muller
You’ll find week 6 there!