Product: Rabbit Air MinusA2 and BioGS 2.0
Price: $459.95 for MinusA2 and $399.95 for BioGS 2.0
Cheapest Place To Buy: Amazon
Warranty: 5 years
My Rating: 9.5/10
If you are in the market for a new purifier and want really high quality, you should really consider one of the two purifiers offered by Rabbit Air.
What’s great is these are the only two purifiers this company makes and they put all their resources into perfecting them for efficiency and effectiveness. In this review we’ll be looking at the two models as well as:
- Air Rabbit as a company
- Cost of owning one
- Maintenance
So let’s get into it!
A Little About The Company
Rabbit air is a leader in the industry and are based out of Los Angeles. They were founded in 2004 and have been ranked as one of the fastest growing companies in the US. They have been mentioned as such by Inc. Magazine in both 2009 and 2012.
They are known for their innovation, designs and customer service; You will find the newest technologies, sleekest looking purifiers and their customer service is open 24/7; they will always be there to answer questions.
Here’s a video showing their dedication to you:
This isn’t just a heartless corporation. It’s a company that genuinely cares about your well being. How many companies would hand deliver a filter right to your door?
The environment is one of their main concerns and it shows in their products. All pollutants are taken out and pure, clean air is returned.
The MinusA2 Purifier
I don’t even know where to begin. Rabbit Air is kind of like the “Apple” of the air purifier world. Like a Macbook or IPhone, the Minus A2 has a beautiful design that is easy to use and top notch quality. They are also forward thinking and innovative.
There are actually two versions of this model, the 700a which covers up to 700 square feet and 780a which covers up to 815 square feet. You won’t even know it’s running either. Check out the chart below for the noise level
Both air purifiers offered by Rabbit Air (BioGs will be talked about next) are slightly louder than a breath and equal to the sound of ticking clock. A whisper is 30% louder and conversation is 300% nosier. It won’t disrupt your sleep, television time, or conversation.
This machine is extremely smart too. It automatically runs on the quietest setting possible until it senses particle odors in the air. It switches the fan on once it does and turns the fan off once all air pollutants have been cleared.
Here’s a fast video explaining how it works:
Pretty cool right?
The odor detection isn’t the only sensor on the MinusA2. It automatically goes into sleep mode when lights are turned off, and ups activity once lights turn on. You won’t have to constantly switch settings, it knows what to do.
It also reminds you when to change the filter (each filter lasts around two years) and can stand alone or be mounted on your wall.
Additionally the MinusA2 is:
- Energy star efficient to save you money
- 24/7 customer service
- Free returns, including shipping fees
- 5 year warranty
- Child proof safety design
- Zero ozone emissions
You won’t even have to sacrifice style for comfort. Besides coming in standard black and white, they offer customized panels based on famous artwork, beloved cartoon characters and original designs based on Rabbit Air’s own creative team. Below are a few designs:
Van Gogh’s Starry Night:
Charlie Brown:
Paul Frank’s lovable monkey Julius:
Rabbit Air’s Own creation based on cherry blossoms in Japan:
You have to admire a company that works so hard on design and gives you so many options.
Lastly, you can customize the filter to suit your individual or family needs. They have four filters that focus on:
- Germ defense
- Toxin absorbing
- Pet allergy
- Odor remover
This truly is an amazing, flexible machine. Let’s take a look at the other product being offered by Rabbit Air, the BioGS 2.0
The BioGS 2.0
There are a few key differences between the BioGS 2.0 and the MinusA2. The BioGS is the least expensive of the two and covers less square feet; 550A model covers 550 sq. feet and 625A covers 625 sq, feet.
The technology is pretty much the same as the previous purifier including the air pollutant sensor (it doesn’t have the light sensor) and:
- 5 year warranty
- Full refunds
- 24/7 customer service
- Energy efficient
You get a lot of use out of the filters too. They will last 3 years being run 12 hours a day. This model doesn’t offer the same customization panels and art work designs. It did win the 2014 Good Design Award so you know it has a pleasant appearance.
The main differences between the two filters can be seen by looking at the graphic below:
As you can see there are plenty of similarities and minor differences between the models. The main difference comes down to square footage and price.
Speaking of price..
The Cost Is High..Or Is It?
Clean air is essential to health and studies have proved people who regularly breath clean, pure air live longer. You breath oxygen in and your blood carries it to all your tissues and every part of your body. Breathing clear air will ensure:
- Better sleep
- Clearer thinking
- Better circulation
- And will make you feel better all over.
Air with pollutants will be circulated into the blood stream and do great harm to your tissues and nerves. Many states of depression, anxiety, insomnia, concentration problems and lack of energy come from breathing stale air.
Improving air quality will save you money in the short and long run. You will find yourself in the doctors office less and you won’t need any prescription medicines or pills to help you sleep, focus or improve energy.
Problems like asthma and allergies will improve too, again making the need for pills less likely.
Cheaper purifiers may cost less when you buy but won’t come with a 5 year warranty. If you go through 3 purifiers in 5 years and each costs $200, that comes to $600; more than the most expensive Air Rabbit available. The MinusA2 and BioGS will more than likely last longer than 5 years too.
Quality air purifiers include:
- BlueAir 403
- Whirlpool 510
- 3M Filtrete FAP03
- Honeywell 50250
- IQ Air Compact Health Pro
These purifiers go from $180 all the way to $850. The lower costing ones will barely cover half of the square footage of the MinusA2 and BioGS.
Also, look at the costs to run and the cost of changing filters of competing air purifiers compared to the Rabbit Air:
Rabbit Air is WAY more energy efficient than competing companies and because the filters last so long, it costs way less to replace them.
Over a 5 year period you will save over $800! When taking everything into consideration, both Rabbit Air purifiers are the best buy for both quality and value.
This Is The Best Purifier And My Personal Favorite
Amazon reviews don’t lie. It has an average rating of 4.6/5 stars and 87% of the 144 reviews are 4 star or better.
There’s only two 1 star ratings. One person complained it didn’t help with cigarette smoke and one person thought it didn’t help with odor; they also praised the company for making it so easy to get a full refund.
I try to be as unbiased as possible in my reviews and investigate negatives. I just don’t see much wrong with this purifier. Worst case scenario you are in the 1 percent that gives a 1 star review and if that’s the case, you’ll get every dollar back.
Rabbit Air even made it fun to review an air purifier, maybe the most impressive thing about their products : ). So if you are in the market for a purifier, this is my number one recommendation.
If you have any questions or opinions comment below and I’ll respond as fast as possible. Also, help spread the message on social media by sharing.
Thanks for reading!

Hi there my friend,
I really need to get my hands on an air purifier I live in a country where the air quality is worse than China for about 4 months of the year. Do you know what level of toxins and what type these can filter out?
Lets see If I got this right, I can just hang one above my bed for example, like a painting or wall mounted TV and it will just work away?
It will work until all toxins are out of the air, it can sense them. And yep, you can mount it like a tv. You wont have to tinker with it, it knows exactly when and how to work. It can stand on its own too, and you can put it in the corner or middle of the room.
I am of the old school where you opened your windows and the dog lived outside not in the house. Now with the increase in pollution I guess and air purifier is needed and you keep your windows closed. I am not too sure about ‘germ defense’. Don’t you think that by sterilizing everything half to death we are destroying our bodies ability to build up it’s immune system? You have given an excellent run down of the product but I don’t think I would ever invest in one.
I always keep my windows open too, it’s tough in the winters though. And it doesn’t sterilize germs, it filters them; there’s a major difference. And if you ever change your mind, this is a really good purifiier.
I have never seen a air purifier like this one! I would have to say that it is the top of the line. I hope it is as quiet as they say. I love how you can order art panels for it. I would go for the Starry Night! You could put it in any part of your house for sure. I really like it, and will have to look into it further.
The Starry Night one is really cool. That’s my favorite too. And this is a really top of the line prufier that wont disapoint.
I had no idea that such an intelligent, high-tech air purifier existed in the market today. It’s amazing how smart this little gadget is – which is perfect because this means I won’t have to constantly monitor it or shut it off. I think that for the price this is an excellent investment especially considering that they have the perfect filters that families like mine can use. Thank you for your comprehensive review. I’m going to order it now.
You will be happy with your purchase. It’s a high functioning purifier with a really cool design
Years ago I had an Alpine air purifier. I’m not sure if the manufacturer is still around or not.., but recently I was thinking it may be important to purchase one again. I live in Southern California and almost daily they are spraying the sky (chemtrails) and I’m sure we’re breathing chemicals (even if we’re in-doors) Thank you for this post and making me aware of this air purifier.
If you are concerned about the quality of your air, an air purifier can definitely help. Tis is one of the top ones available and is very unique looking. You’ll love it!