If you are looking to increase your libido naturally, you may be wondering about saw palmetto benefits for sex.
These berries are well known to increase sexual desire and will do so in a completely safe way, that comes with basically no side effects. This is not the case with medicines that can have all kinds of bad side effects; even death.
In this article I’ll give you a little background information about these helpful little berries, how to take them, some additional health benefits and other useful information that will help you in bed and out.
Common Names
Pan palm and dwarf palmetto.
Part Used
Medicinal Properties
- Antiseptic
- Sedative
- Cardiac
- Tonic
- Diuretic
Description And Uses
Saw palmetto is useful in all problems of the reproductive organs, ovaries, prostate and testicles which makes it so valuable for sex.
Many men with an enlarged prostate suffer from sexual symptoms that can affect their ability to maintain or to get an erection. This can come from side effects of medicine prescribed, decrease in blood flow to the pelvic area and decrease in liver function and other organs.
A recent study showed men with an enlarged prostate were 65% more likely to get and maintain an erection and 55% increase in sex drive when taking this berry.
You don’t need to have an enlarged prostate to get these benefits either. It can help both men and women inside and outside the bedroom too.
It’s excellent in helping with:
- Asthma
- Throat problems
- Colds
- Bronchitis
- Influenza
- Cough
- Sinus problem and mucous discharge
- Useful in Bright’s Disease and Diabetes
- General tonic to regain strength and weight following debilitating illness
Most herbs can be taken in many different ways but the best way to take this herb is with capsules (1 to 2 daily) or extract (take 10 to 20 drops in water daily this way)
You should get your herbs and herbal supplements from a trusted supplier.
Click Here To Get Palmetto Delivered Right To Your Door
This supplier has been in business for over 45 years and is one of the best and most trusted in the business.
Other Helpful Herbs To Help Between The Sheets
There are a few other herbs that can help improve sexual performance and desire. They can also be bought at the same place I recommended above.
Just to name a few:
- Ginseng
- Plantain
- English walnut
- Fenugreek
- Jasmine
- Saffron
- Savory
They can be taken in many different ways including teas, infusions, extracts, capsules, tinctures, powder, syrups, etc.
Side Effects Of Viagra
Every time you take a pill or drug you are moving farther and farther from ideal and optimal health. You may be getting rapid results for certain problems but you are selling out your long term health.
Our body wasn’t made to work with chemicals. Herbs are the most natural way to deal with disease and sickness; there’s an herb for every ailment you will have or come across.
Just look at the side effects of Viagra:
- Headache
- Upset stomach and indigestion
Abnormal vision
- Nasal congestion
- Back Pain
- Muscular tenderness and pain
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Rash
- Diarrhea
And some more serious side effects:
- Change or loss of vision
- Ringing in hears and loss of hearing
- Chest pain and irregular heartbeat
- Shortness of breath
- Lightheadedness
- Swelling in ankles, feet and hands
Viagra might help you get an erection but is it worth any of these side effects? Taking saw palmetto has no side effects and will actually help you in other areas of health; Viagra may give you sinus problems and palmetto will fix sinus problems!
Your body wasn’t made to digest chemicals and taking them will hurt your liver and all other organs that come in contact with it.
We evolved in nature. Disease, sickness and all other problems (including sexual health problems) come from breaking natural laws.
We must look to nature for our cures and if you do, you will be rewarded greatly. MY ONLY ADVICE IS NOT TO TAKE DRUGS WITH HERBS, THEY DON’T MIX WELL.
If you are looking to improve sexual performance and to increase sexual drive and desire, saw palmetto can help you tremendously.
It is one of natures best aphrodisiacs and will help with many other problems too. This is a herb you should have at your disposal at all times.
I mentioned this before and it’s worth mentioning again, you want to get your herbs from a trusted supplier and one that has been in business for a long time.; this way you know you are getting quality and someone that knows how to properly ship and preserve their products.
Here is best place to buy herbs and where I personally buy mine.
If you have any questions or just want to share your opinion, comment below and I’ll respond as fast possible.
Also, share on social media for friends and family to see. Thanks for reading and make sure to check back for information on herbs and other natural health information.

this Saw Palmetto just might be something I would like to try. I have tried Viagra with bad results and bad side effects. This natural berry aphrodisiac might just be what I need. With no side effect hopefully it will help me out.
Thank you very much for this very helpful blog!
Thanks for commenting David and yeah this stuff has known to do wonders in many aspects of health.
If your really want people to take your web seriosuly, I believe it is not a good idea to show the “Saw Palmetto benefits …” or anything related to sex in the front page of your site.
Maybe you should consider showing some other more serious topic in the front page.
It’s hard to take you seriously when you spell seriously “seriosuly.” Read the article and don’t get too caught up on the title and maybe you’ll learn something.
Hi there,
Is saw palmetto more effective for use for men or women? Does it only increase libido, or does it improve the sperm count/motility as well? What does saw palmetto compared to other herbal supplements like maca or tribulus? Both mentioned are well known to increase sex drive as well.
It’s helpful for both men and women. It does have really good benefits for enlarged prostate which is commonly a male problem. And it helps with libido and sex drive, not increasing sperm count. And I’m not actually familiar with those two and I’m sure they are very comparable. I’ll have to do more research on them
Hey there Dylan, this is really great information here. This is a new way for me to see saw palmetto. When I first read anything about this plant it was indicated for hair growth treatment. I find it rather interesting as an aphrodisiac, this drives right up my alley. I think I am more interested in it now lol.
Haha I thought the same thing about it. And it does help hair too.
Hi There,
Saw palmetto, interesting. Isn’t it just wonderful how mother nature provides us with all that we need?
You are right about Viagra, it does have dangerous side effects. Incidentally Viagra is used to treat a condition affecting the lungs.
As another herb to add to your list, tongkat ali, also known as long jack.
I’ll have to to look into tongkat ali for sure. Thanks for commenting.
Hi Dylan,
Totally concur with you about chemicals and drugs. We’re fortunate right now to be healthy enough that we don’t take anything but multivitamins (when we remember) and over the counter pain killers for headaches…and I’d like to keep it that way. I’m continually amazed at how there seems to be a natural solution for just about every ailment. I’m curious….does saw palmetto help with sex drive in women?
Natural is for sure the way to go and saw palmetto is very beenficial to women for sex. Here’s a list of additional herbs that can help women libido: 5 Herbs to Increase Libido In Women
Saw Palmetto seems like a great option for those looking for a natural alternative to Viagra… Just a question, about the palmetto, is it a capsule, or is it a dehydrated berry that can be eaten?
If Viagra is in a capsule form and houses lots of chemicals, how do we know that the Palmetto doen not have chemicals within the capsule also?
Saw palmetto can be taken a lot of different ways and capsules are just one. If you go to the supplier I recommend they list ingredients and all there is organic saw palmetto inside. If you buy supplements there may be additional stuff in them, I never recommend those though.
Dylan, I enjoyed your article. I am alway’s looking for natural alternatives to prescription drugs. This product Saw Palmetto has many benefits for a variety of medical condition. I am going to purchase this product and give you an update in a few weeks. Have a question do you know if you can add it to food? So my husband won’t know what hit him. Thanks again Peggy
You can buy it in powder form and add it to mashed potatoes. And this is a potent little berry so you should definetly let your husband know what’s coming. And defininetly let me know how it goes!
I don’t think I’ve seen such an accurate rundown of viagra’s side effects – it truly is an evil thing. Fun at the time, no good in the aftermath. Does saw palmetto need to be taken over time to help with erectile dysfunction, or can you expect to see results quite quickly?