If you are looking for shepherd’s purse benefits you came to the right place. This helpful herb has a reputation to stop bleeding and can relieve:
- Nosebleeds
- Excessive menstruation
- Problems associated with childbirth
- Wounds
- Internal hemorrhaging
And is valuable in many more problems. You will see all the science, studies and history that prove each claim and you’ll learn how to stay completely safe while using in this article.
Let’s start with some important information.
Shepard’s Purse Background Information
Botanical name: Capsella bursa-pastoris
Common names: Cocowort, shepherd’s heart, pick purse, lady’s purse, rattle pouches, rattle weed
Part used: Entire plant
Medicinal properties: Astringent, detergent, vulnerary, diuretic, styptic
Uses and Benefits
The history of this herb can be traced back to Ancient Greece and Roman times where it was used as a laxative. It grew in popularity in the 1600’s after it was discovered it can stop excessive bleeding. Pilgrims brought the plant over to the colonies and it quickly grew as a weed throughout the country.
They found it a useful aid in decreasing menstruation and other bleeding problems. During World War I, wounded soldiers were given shepherd’s purse tea.
Modern herbalists recommend this herb for:
- Bloody Urine
- Nosebleeds
- Heavy menstrual flow
- Bleeding after childbirth
- Glaucoma
- Wounds
Here’s some proof and facts to back up each claim:
Problems Associated With Bleeding And Wounds
Herbs are much more mainstream in Germany and doctors prescribe them all the time over there. Germany’s version of the FDA, called Commission E, is the most respected and trusted government authority regarding herbs in the world. They recommend shepherd’s purse for nosebleeds, heavy menstruation, wounds, burns and PMS.
According to well known medical herbalist Rudolph Fritz Weiss, M.D., this herb “definitely has haemostatic (blood stopping) properties.” In an article in the respected scientific journal Nature, it’s noted shepherd’s purse “contains substances that hasten coagulation (clotting) of blood.”
Studies have found uterine-contracting properties in this herb, which explains why it stops excessive bleeding during periods. It’s been scientifically documented to tone the uterus and constricts blood vessels, making it useful for bleeding after childbirth.
Lastly, shepherd’s purse has some anti-inflammatory astringent action, which support its use in wounds and hemorrhoids.
Glaucoma And Eye Health
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, shepherd’s purse is used to “brighten eyes.” This herb contains potassium and vitamin C, which are nutrients critical to to the maintenance of healthy retinas.
Also, it contains antioxidants that fight the free radicals that cause damage to your retinas. Bilberry is another great herb for your eyes and ginkgo has many antioxidants that improve eye health too.
How To Take
To stop bleeding or induce labor, make a tea using 1 teaspoon of dried shepherd’s purse per cup of boiling water. Steep for 10 minutes and strain. Let it cool and drink cold. Drink in large mouthfuls at a time and up to two cups a day.
This isn’t the best tasting tea on earth and you may want to add honey, sugar or lemon to mask its biting taste. If you are looking for its eye benefits, you can add a little shepherd’s purse to your favorite herbal teas.
According to renowned herbal expert Dr. Jame A. Duke, you should take 40 to 60 drops of the herb’s tincture soon after giving birth to stop bleeding.
If you are using externally on a wound, hemorrhoids or burns, soak a cloth in the tea or tincture and apply to area in need of it.
Side Effects And Safety Concerns
The biggest safety concern is knowing when to use shepherd’s purse and when to get medical attention. If you are suffering from a serious wound or internal bleeding, you shouldn’t try and treat it yourself. Also, because it contains compounds that cause uterine contractions, you shouldn’t take if you are pregnant unless under the supervision of a professional
This herb can cause clotting, so if you have a history of heart attacks or if you are on a blood thinning medication (like aspirin or ginkgo), don’t use shepherd’s purse.
Don’t give to children under 2 and if you are giving to anyone over 65, start with a low dose and increase as necessary.
Other than that, no side effects have ever been reported.
Quality Is Essential
There are three things that ensure you will have a positive experience with a herb. First, you need to make sure the herb you are treating yourself with actually helps the problem you are trying to fix. Secondly, you need to take the proper dosage; if you take too much you can get sick, if you take too little you won’t get the herb’s healing effects.
Lastly, and equally as important as the previous two, you need quality herbs. If you get a mediocre product you can expect mediocre results.
Some herb companies are better than others. Personally, I get my herbs from a few places. My favorite is Starwest Botanical and they offer USDA Certified Organic shepherd’s purse. They have different amounts and prices to suit your individual need too.
If you would like to read my full review on Starwest Botanical, click below:
My Favorite Place To Purchase Herbs
Did You Find What You Were Looking For?
I hope so! This herb is an excellent addition to anyone’s herbal medicine cabinet and especially helpful for cuts, nosebleeds and any problem associated with bleeding. It has a long history of doing so and modern science, experts and studies mirror what the past people knew.
If you would like to share an opinion or if you have any questions, comment below and I’ll respond as fast as possible. If you would like to spread the message about this herb, share on social media for friends and family to see.
Do you think you’ll be using shepherd’s purse anytime soon?

Hey, Dylan! Great post!
I am so glad I found this site! I am a big believer in herbal remedies. I’m a member of herbalhealer.com, the website of an herbalist in Arkansas, USA. Have you ever heard of it? Check it out if you get a chance.
I wish the United States would adopt herbs like Germany! Fat chance of that happening!
This post is so timely as my wife has menstruation problems with heavy bleeding! I’m glad I found out about this herb! Added to that, the herb helps hemorrhoids, too, a problem I deal with at times and have been wondering if there is an herbal cure!
Awesome post and awesome site! I have bookmarked it!
Keep up the good work and have a great rest of your day, buddy!
Thanks a lot Donnie! I’ll make sure to check out your website. I’m glad you found everything so useful. Also, I’ve heard comfrey is good for hemorrhoids too